Quality Live Streams for Social and News Media
With the ever-growing expansion of social media and the importance of having a quality live stream presence, Absolute Live Productions is busier than ever. When we started the live division, it never dawned on us that we were a news service. The plans for the company were to service brands and agencies for their events, so our focus was on concerts, charity events, alumni organizations, and movie premieres. However, increasingly we found ourselves producing press conferences, live shots, satellite media tours, and cellular media tours.
Press Conferences
It was in the early days of 2016 that the team at Absolute Live Productions first sent a Facebook live stream from a press conference. Back then, you could only stream to Facebook through an iPhone. The client was The Laundry Service; they were deeply involved in bringing the 2024 Olympics to Los Angeles. The press conference was set up in one of the ballrooms on the UCLA campus. There were several Olympic organizers on-site as well as Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Facebook Live News
When we arrived in the morning, we took our place with all the other major news outlets on the press riser. There were several other outlets covering the event, most of them using large-frame broadcast cameras. There we were, front row, with our iPhone clamped to a C-stand. An attached audio input device pulled a feed directly from the press audio box. Other than a few odd looks from the local and major media, the live stream went off without a hitch. After that, we streamed every press conference for the 2024 Olympic bid.
Since those early days of Facebook Live, we created live-stream news coverage for Al Gore and Mayor Veriagosa on behalf of The Sierra Club; partnered on a broadcast of a Mayoral debate for local cable; covered the memorial of the victims of an SF plane crash; and streamed Greta Thunberg in front of city hall.

Joe Biden Super Tuesday Press Conference
Recently, we streamed Joe Biden at the super Tuesday press conference, with 60 news organizations all vying for their spot on the press riser. Due to the unpredictable nature of election night coverage and the short notice, we had a lot of equipment on the press riser. But we were using our Livestream HD 550, which is an integrated switcher and stream encoder. Consequently, we didn’t need to bring other monitors or encoders. Our stream went straight to Restream. Then the Biden team took it from there and sent our signal directly to the Joe Biden Facebook page.
Live Shot Services
Although Absolute Live Productions will continue to work with Brands and Agencies, we are genuinely excited to remain active in the news coverage space. Therefore our Live Shot Services will stay at the forefront of our future production plans.
Whether we cover a live event in the field or use our in-house facilities, the team at ALP will be thrilled to be there to make history.
Cellular Bonding changes the shape of news gathering
As Facebook technology improved, we became more creative and daring in what we produced in partnership with The Laundry Service. We created a talk show live set overlooking the Santa Monica pier at a restaurant called the Lobster House; strapped technical director Dan Swerdlove to a Rose Parade Float and sent him down Colorado Blvd. We mounted a camera to the top of the float and added a TVU Cellular Mobile Solution.
Our reputation grew for covering news and news-related events, so we quickly became a one-stop solution for media outlets. We excelled at Live Shots and Satellite Media Tours with the help of cellular bonding systems. We traveled to San Luis Obispo to produce a remote live shot with Devon Nunes; created an SMT on behalf of General Electric at CES; shot and transmitted Live Hits from the Red Carpet (Blue Carpet) at the BET Awards; and managed remote coverage of the Academy Awards for a major network.
Cellular Bonding changes the shape of news gathering
As Facebook technology improved, we became more creative and daring in what we produced in partnership with The Laundry Service. We created a talk show live set overlooking the Santa Monica pier at a restaurant called the Lobster House; strapped technical director Dan Swerdlove to a Rose Parade Float and sent him down Colorado Blvd. We mounted a camera to the top of the float and added a TVU Cellular Mobile Solution.
Our reputation grew for covering news and news-related events, so we quickly became a one-stop solution for media outlets. We excelled at Live Shots and Satellite Media Tours with the help of cellular bonding systems. We traveled to San Luis Obispo to produce a remote live shot with Devon Nunes; created an SMT on behalf of General Electric at CES; shot and transmitted Live Hits from the Red Carpet (Blue Carpet) at the BET Awards; and managed remote coverage of the Academy Awards for a major network.

Joe Biden Super Tuesday Press Conference
Recently, we streamed Joe Biden at the super Tuesday press conference, with 60 news organizations all vying for their spot on the press riser. Due to the unpredictable nature of election night coverage and the short notice, we had a lot of equipment on the press riser. But we were using our Livestream HD 550, which is an integrated switcher and stream encoder. Consequently, we didn’t need to bring other monitors or encoders. Our stream went straight to Restream. Then the Biden team took it from there and sent our signal directly to the Joe Biden Facebook page.
Live Shot Services
Although Absolute Live Productions will continue to work with Brands and Agencies, we are genuinely excited to remain active in the news coverage space. Therefore our Live Shot Services will stay at the forefront of our future production plans.
Whether we cover a live event in the field or use our in-house facilities, the team at ALP will be thrilled to be there to make history.
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