A Non-Profit Makes Facebook Live Premiere
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Skateistan is a non-profit that began by teaching Young Girls & Boys to Skateboard In Afghanistan. Skateistan Founder Oliver Percovich and Land of Skate Director Ty Evans made their Facebook Live premiere last week to debut the documentary “Land of Skate” and promote Skateistan’s mission of providing education and skateboarding to underprivileged children in Afghanistan. The live stream was produced by Absolute Live Productions which used NewTek TalkShow technology to feature an international Skype conversation from Australia, Cambodia, and Los Angeles. Absolute Live Productions has been producing live stream broadcasts since 2009 and partnered directly with Facebook Creative for this event.
The 13-minute documentary produced by Ghost Digital Cinema, directed by renowned filmmaker Ty Evans and supported by Nimia was filmed on location in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa, and captures breathtaking shots and an often unseen perspective of these countries. Children and youth in countries caught up by conflict and inequality are being empowered through skateboarding.
The documentary goes behind the doors of Skateistan’s Skate Schools worldwide for the first time, at which over 1,800 children and youth have gained access to education and opportunities. 50% are girls, 70% are from low-income backgrounds and their students represent 20 different ethnicities and nationalities worldwide.
There are absolutely no costs incurred by students for any activities, all materials needed in the skatepark or the classroom are provided to students by Skateistan. Additionally, they arrange transport for girls in Afghanistan to make it easier and safer for them to attend.
“It really gives you a sense of the world community as a whole. These kids are really no different than everyday kids here, they just have less opportunity. This program is giving them the opportunity to change the perspective of their life,” said Dave Rosen, President of Absolute Live Productions.
“I think it gives them a place where they can do something fun and be happy and get out of areas where they are having hardships. Here’s a place where as soon as those kids walk through the door their smile comes out,” said Mike Poore, Director of Photography and Editor for “Land of Skate.”
Facebook Donate Button
One of the unique features of the broadcast was the Donate Button, which allowed viewers to make direct and secure donations to the Non-Profit Skateistan, powered by the Facebook Live API.
“Donations by live stream is a thrilling development because of the potential to engage directly with the audience. We’re eager to more non-profits share their messages with their donation pool through the power of live streaming and social media platforms like Facebook,” said Dave Rosen.
More About Skateistan
Skateistan began in 2007 and is now an award-winning non-profit organization. Through our innovative programs, children build the skills and confidence, to create a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Our programs are for children aged 5 to 17 with a focus on girls, children living with a disability, and children from low-income backgrounds. The four core programs aim to keep children and youth involved at Skateistan for the long term. As participants get older, they become role models to the younger students and to the wider community.